Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Sciatica – its symptoms and treatment

Sciatica is a symptom of leg pain, which originated in the lower back and travels through the buttock and down the nerve, called as the sacral plexus. These nerves travel to the sacrum and lumbar regions of the body and thus there are a wide variety of possible irritants and causes of sciatica-like pain. Sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest of all the nerves. It gets pinched between muscle, adipose or fat tissue, thus causing pain.

The most common cause of sciatica is a bulging disc. A bulged out disc can cause pressure on the nerve, which may lead to severe pain. This pain can radiate down the lower back to the legs. Legs, buttocks and the back of the thigh can be a prime location for entrapment. The pain can get alleviated with the right sciatica treatment Raleigh.

Symptoms of sciatica include:
• Consistent pain on one side of the lower back, buttock or leg 
•Burning or tingling down the leg 
•Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
•A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or to walk

The pain can get aggravated by sitting down, stretching, climbing stairs, and performing squats. Unfortunately, different problems can make the pain both achy and sharp at times.

There are 4 degrees of muscle tone:
1. Flaccid
2. Normal tone
3. Spasm
4. Trigger point

Treatment for sciatica
Exercises and non-surgical remedies can alleviate the pain and help prevent further flare-ups. Heat and ice packs, anti-inflammatory, epidural steroid injections are some of the best remedies to relieve pain. For few people, who have severe pain, a more intense treatment plan or surgery can be recommended.

If the pain is related to the spinal, then chronic pain management North Carolina can also be a good option to ease the pain from the roots.

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